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The Jewish Genealogy Association
The law concerning French nationality has evolved over time and consequently the law on naturalisation has also evolved.
The naturalisation files provide much more information than the act of naturalisation which is only a summary. To be able to view the file you need the naturalisation date and number.
GenAmi has available on CD-Rom naturalisations between 1900 and 1960, for naturalisations prior to 1900 it is necessary to research the various bulletins held at the large administrative libraries.
Once you have the date and number of the naturalisation you can request the file from the ‘CARAN’ (Centre d’Accueil et de Recherche des Archives Nationales) if the date is pre-1930 or for later dates at Fontainebleau archives. One can usually obtain the file providing it is more than sixty years old, sometimes exceptions can be granted. More details will be provided for our members.
Declarations of Foreigners in France
Not all foreigners living in France were naturalised for various reasons, sometimes because they left France before naturalising.
According to the decree of 1888 amended in 1893 all foreigners had to make a declaration, the majority of these are no longer available
but a few survive.
Passports and Passenger lists
As a source of information on immigrants.
Micheline Gutmann