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The Jewish Genealogy Association
Guide for research in France*
- 1808 Name adoption lists
- Censuses
- A story of Georges BAUMANN* (in French)
- Oflag XC - Directory of 1972 (in French)
- Guide for research in Alsace*
- 1784 census of the Jews living in Alsace*
- List of surnames founded in the census of 1784*
- Marriage Contracts in the XVIIIth century (A. FRAENKEL)
- Jewish population in Alsace in the censuses of
1784, 1808, 1851
- Civil Records
- Debts of Alsacians living in Paris in 1808
- List of notables (1844-1845)
- List of Jewish notables in Haut-Rhin in 1847 (in French)
- Surnames in 1808 and 1851
- Rabbis in the 18th cent.
- Chiefs of families in Bas-Rhin in 1725
- BARR, BMD Civil records from 1798 to 1906
- BIESHEIM - Births in the 18th cent.
- BISCHWILLER - Censuses of 1841 and 1861
- COLMAR - Voters for Consistoire in 1844
- DIEMERINGEN - Censuses of 1836 and 1866
- DURMENACH - History of the Jewish Community* (in French)
- EPFIG - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- FEGERSHEIM - Censuses of 1861 and 1866
- HABSHEIM - List of Names Adoption in 1808
- HAGUENAU, census of 1763
- HAGUENAU - Census of 1799
- NIEDERHAGENTHAL & OBERHAGENTHAL - List of Names Adoption in 1808
- HATTSTATT 1720 - 1806
- HEGENHEIM, census of 1838
- HIRSINGUE - Marriages from 1793 to 1902
- ITTERSWILLER - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- KRAUTERGERSHEIM - civil records NMD from 1808 to 1912
- LAUTERBOURG - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- MARCKOLSHEIM - Censuses of 1836, 1861 & 1866
- Families who lived in NIEDERHAGENTHAL
- NIEDERNAI - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- NIEDERSEEBACH - BMD Civil Records from 1795 to 1879
- OBERNAI, marriages from 1793 to 1903
- OTTROTT - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- REGUISHEIM, Census of 1806
- RIEDSELTZ - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- SAVERNE - Census of 1836
- SCHERWILLER - Censuses of 1836 & 1861
- SELESTAT-Etat civil
- SELESTAT-Cimetière juif
- STOTZHEIM - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- TRIMBACH - Marriages from 1754 to 1906
- UTTENHEIM - Censuses of 1836 & 1866
- VALFF - Marriages during the 18th & 19th cent.
- VALFF - Censuses of 1836 & 1866
- WESTHOFFEN - List of Names Adoption in 1808
- WESTHOUSE - Censuses of 1836 & 1866
- ZELLWILLER, BMD civil Records form 1700 to 1906
- The HAUSER families in Alsace (in French)
- BEAUNE, 1851 census
- DIJON - Civil Records from 1793 to 1865
- DIJON, 1851 census
- Guide for research in PARIS*
- Juifs in Paris P. Hildenfinger
- Jewish marriages in Paris until 1860
- Jews in PARIS from 1755 to 1759* (in French)
- Consistorial census of 1809
- Members of the consistoire de Paris in 1823
- Liste of notables (1844-1845)
- Consistorial census of 1872
- Marriages from 1822 to 1841 in the rue ND de Nazareth Synagogue
- VERSAILLES - 1808 Names Adoption List
- List of circumcisions done by mohel Isaac Schweich
- BELFORT Jewish Cemetery
- BESANCON, censuses (1839, 1851)*
- GRAY, Jewish cemetery
- Guide for research in Lorraine*
- Notables List (1844-1845)
- Chiefs of Families from the baillage d'Allemagne in 1706
- Jews living in Vosges in the censuses of 1784, 1808, 1851 (in French)
- BIONVILLE - Jewish Families (1707-1786)
- BLIESBRUCK - BMD Civil Records from 1793 to 1917
- BRUYERES - 1793-1950
- FRAUENBERG - List of Jews (1840 & 1843)
- GERARDMER - Civil records from 1846 to 1906
- METZ - BRANCAS imposition
- METZ - Jewish Families in 1808
- METZ - Taxroll in 1811
- METZ - Notables list in 1844
- MEUSE - Censuses 1806-1809
- MOSELLE, Birth declaration for non-catholic before 1793
- MEUSE - Censuses 1806-1809
- MOSELLE - List of Marriage Contracts before 1792
- REMIREMONT - Jewish population in 1815*
- St DIE-des-Vosges, censuses (1896, 1936)
- VANTOUX, VALLIERES, MOULINS - BMD Civil Records from 1793 to 1884
- List of circumcisions done by mohel Isaac Schweich
- BAYONNE & SAINT-ESPRIT - Old Civil Records and consitorial censuses of 1808 & 1812
- BAYONNE, ST-ESPRIT, PEYREHORADE - Names Adoption of 1808
- BORDEAUX - The Jewish cemetery of Bordeaux cours of l’Yser
- BORDEAUX - Civil Records before 1793
- BORDEAUX - Names Adoption in 1808
- LE HAVRE - 1851 Census
- NANTES - Names Adoption in 1808
- NANTES - 1851 Census
- Notables list (1844-1845)
- ROUEN - List of voters for Consistoire in 1866 & 1875
- TOULOUSE - Names Adoption in 1808
- Guide for research in the COMTAT VENAISSIN (Avignon, Carpentras, Cavaillon, L'Isle-sur-Sorgue)*
- Comtat Venaissin (Avignon, Carpentras, Cavaillon,
L'Isle-sur-Sorgue) Civil Records from 18th Century
- Comtat Venaissin - Names Adoption in 1808
- Notables list (1844-1845)
- CANNES cemetery of L'ABADIE
- CANNES cemetery of Grand Jas
- Birth Records from Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Montpellier, Saint-Andéol, Salon-de-Provence, Tarascon
- Marriage Records from Avignon, Montpellier, Nîmes
- Death records from Avignon, Marseille, Montpellier
- BEZIERS, 1851 census
- CLERMONT-L'HERAULT, 1851 census
- GRASSE-Carré ISRAÉLITE cemetery of Sainte BRIGITTE
- LODEVE, 1851 census
- LYON - Names Adoption in 1808
- MARSEILLE, 1851 census
- MONTPELLIER - Names Adoption in 1808
- MONTPELLIER, 1851 census
- NICE - Birth Records from 1838 to 1860
- NICE - Names Adoption in 1808
- NÎMES - Dr SIMON file
- NÎMES - Letter from Dr SIMON to Micheline GUTMANN* (in French)
- NÎMES - Names Adoption in 1808
- SETE, 1851 census
- TOULON, 1851 census
- VALFLAUNES, 1851 census
- Guide for research in POLAND* (in French)
- Polish - French - English Lexicon*
- Marriage Records in Paris of Jews coming from Suwalki & Lomza
- The Marcus saga (in French)
- Areas of SUWALKI & LOMZA (in French)
- Guide for research in Germany (coming soon)
- List of Jews from the city of Paille
- Index of names of the Memorbuch of Mannheim
- ETTENHEIM - Names Adoption in 1809
- IHRINGEN - Names adoption in 1809
- KIPPENHEIM - Names Adoption in 1809
- KIRCHEN - Names Adoption in 1809
- MANNHEIM - Names Adoption in 1808
- MANNHEIM - Censuses of 1728 & 1743
- SAAR - Names adoption in 1808
- SULZBURG - Names Adoption in 1808
- VIEUX-BRISACH - Names Adoption in 1809
- Guide for research in Belgium
- The "Jewish File" from Claude Geudevert*
- The Orthodox Congregation in Bruxelles (1907)
- Liège & Arlon, census of Jewish Families
- Memory of Jacques WIENER (in French)
- Places of origin
- Oostende Jewish Cemetery*
- Guide for research in ITALY
- Italian Jews
- Florence 1808
- Florence 1841*
- Origin and development of the Jewish community in the Luxembourg* (in French)
- Chief-rabbis of Luxembourg* (in French)
- Jewish Cemeteries in Luxembourg* (in French)
- Luxembourg - Names Adoption in 1808* (in French)
- The Jews in Luxembourg in 1940* (in French)
- Guide for research in THE NETHERLANDS
- LA CHAUX DE FONDS - Les Eplatures cemetery
- Jews living in the Fribourg Canton, from 1840 to 1900
- Sefarad Genealogy: List of sources* (in French)
- Teachers from ENIO
- Tunis - The Borgel Cemetery. Presentation & photos*
- Tunis - The Borgel Cemetery List of buried persons