Genealogical research in Belgium
Other sources
by Micheline Gutmann
Namur in 1911 (postcard from Micheline Gutmann's collection)
Other general sources
Sources used by Claude Geudevert to draw up the lists in his genealogical dictionary.
- Census of 1816, 1835, 1842, 1866, 1876, 1890, 1900, 1910. (Population Registers for Brussels)
(sub-heading: R.1816, R.1835, or K46, K66 dtc)
- Almanac of Trade and Industry of the Kingdom of Belgium (1856) and (1891)
- National biography published by the Royal Academy of Sciences Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
- Dictionary of the journalists and writers of Belgium (Lionel Bertelson -1905)
- Dictionary of the middle-class dynasties and the business world. (Henry Coston). ED. Alain Moreau 1975
- Dictionary of the painters, sculptors, draughtsmen and engravers. E Benezit (Gründ Bookshop), 8 volumes
- Lists of parents unable to afford their children’s schooling
- Registers of changes from foreigners
- Records from foreigners of those who had naturalised, like those in the register of naturalizations and requests for naturalization (1834-1882)
- The nobility in Belgium
- Supplementary registers of the town of Brussels
- Monograph of common Belgians and biography of the personalities (Brussels) Henri Willem, editor (1932)
- List of poor Jewish families (file C 644) Files of the Canter of Social Assistance of Brussels Jacques de Launay
- Offergeld: everyday life of the Belgians under the occupation 1940-1945 (1982) Paul Legrain
Jewish sources
The Jewish Museum of Belgium
74, avenue de Stalingrad, 1000 Bruxelles. Tel : 02-5121963. Fax 02-5134859.
They have a file of German police force records covering the period 1941-1942, concerning the Jews of Belgium (Malines) and sometimes
information on their families.
There is also a Jewish genealogy association at this address which has remained embryonic since its creation (no bulletin, no
genealogical publication, information can be difficult to obtain when it available.
The Memorial to the Deported Jews of Belgium
Created by Serge Klarsfeld, with only a birthdate. For more details, apply to:
Musée de la Résistance et de la déportation de Malines (Mechelen), 153 Goswin de Stassarststreet, 2800 Malines - Tel : 015-290660
- -
Ministry for Health, department of the victims of war, square de l’Aviation 31, 1070 Brussels - Tel: 02.522.78.60-
Tel : 02.522.78.60
The cemeteries
despite the very liberal Constitution of 1831, the cemetery problem was not solved, since the imperial decree of 1804,
cemeteries remained the property of the religious institutions, 2,336 out of 2,555 were owned by the catholic church which imposed its
laws: if one were not catholic, one was only fit for the "hole with the dogs", Under the influence of the frank-maçonnerie Jules Anspach
decreed that the cemeteries became the property of the communes in 1869, this decision was only ratified by the law of 1971. Thus, as in
France (except Alsace and a part of Lorraine), there are currently no official Jewish cemeteries not even Jewish sections in the communal
Other Specific Sources
Some other sources used by Claude Geudevert to constitute his genealogical dictionary:
- The Jewish Encyclopedia (1905)
- Directory of the Jewish community of Brussels (year 5661) (Funds of the Saint Nicolas's Day church)
- List of Jews of Brussels domiciled on the 28 Nivôse an 11
- Register of the Jews with no registered first name and surname in application of the Imperial Decree of Bayonne of 20-07-1808
- Lists of name adoptions of 1826, list of the Jews of both sexes domiciled or living in Brussels on this date (8 sections)
- Monitoring of the Jews: observations of morality and control, following the police force’s declaration of 1808, police
reports of 1824.
- Alphabetical list of the Jewish people deported by the convoys leaving the camp of Malines between August 4, 1942 and July 31,
1944 (13 convoys left the camp at Malines for Buchenwald, Ravensbrück and 2 convoys for Vittel), drawn up from the original German
files and the original German lists of the camp the Malines.
- Alphabetical list of the people domiciled on May 10, 1940 in Belgium, stopped in France by the occupying authority as Jews and sent
to the death camp of High Silesia by convoys leaving from Drancy, Compiegne, Pithiviers, Beaune-the-Rolande and Angers arriving on June 8,
1942 and on August 17, 1944.
- List of Jews domiciled in Belgium in May 1940, interned in forced labour camps in northern France, employed by firms to carry out
work for the Todt organization, transferred from Malines, Drancy, to the concentration camp of Breendonk and from Belgian prisons.
Deportees, escaped prisoners, released and died.
- List of deported people of Luxembourg.