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All the Titles of the GenAmi Review

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 110 - december 2024

      • Notes biographiques sur André Arnyvelde, homme de lettres et sa femme, Henriette Sauret, poétesse, et leurs rapports avec Micheline et Kiyoshi Hasegawa, artiste peintre graveur :Par Yves DODEMAN
      • Robert Aron (1898-1975) : Par Didier MARCHAND
      • L’ascendance de Robert Aron (1898-1975): Par Micheline GUTMANN
      • Informations générales

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 109 - september 2024

      • Cela s’est passé au bord du lac Majeur
      • Mort Shuman, l’homme qui faisait rêver
      • Levie Hamburger / Louis Marchand
      • Ascendance de Louis Salomon Levie Hamburger
      • Descendance de Louis Salomon Levie Hamburger
      • Notre dernier libérateur nous a quittés
      • JO : Léon Lewkowicz, survivant de la Shoah, a porté la flamme olympique
      • Exposition Le Dibbouk, Fantôme d’un monde disparu au MAHJ
      • Lectures :
           Dibbouks d’Hélène Kaufer
           Amerigo : Récit d’une erreur historique par Stefan Zweig
           Qui-vive de Valérie Zenatti
      • Informations générales

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 108 - june 2024

      • Nathan Katz, poète dialectal du Sundgau
      • Ascendance de Nathan Katz
      • Des femmes à l’honneur, 4e partie
      • Paul Auster, le chantre de la ville qui ne dort jamais
      • Les Juifs et l’agriculture
      • Les Jeux olympiques à Paris
      • Le Musée juif de Grèce à Athènes
      • La présence juive en Grèce
      • Hommage à l’historien Jules Isaac (Nice-Matin)
      • Au théâtre l’an prochain
      • Lectures :
           Le Chat du Rabbin, vu par Joann Sfar (Hors-série du Monde)
           La maîtresse italienne de Jean-Marie Rouart
           Liste des anciens prisonniers de l’Oflag XC de Lübeck
      • Informations générales

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 107 - march 2024

      • Ritchie Boys et X-Troop
      • Mes cousins possèdent un zoo en Floride
      • Une autre famille Gutmann : celle de Jean Babilée
      • Hommage aux victimes du 7 octobre
      • Résilience et Boris Cyrulnik
      • Lectures :
            Le dernier Juif de Noah Gordon
           Sur nos traces - Récits de persécution, spoliation, réparations d’Anne Grynberg
           Aranea, la légende de l’Empereur d’Alexandre Murat
           Rue Copernic, l’enquête sabotée (1980-2023) de Clément Weill-Raynal
           Le Tableau du peintre juif de Benoït Séverac
           Autour de Chana Orloff

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 106 - december 2023

      • L’histoire pour tous - Jules Isaac par Gérard XAVIER
      • Comment j’ai retrouvé ma famille d’Amérique par Harry HELLER
      • La famille Drucker d’Altona et Hambourg par Micheline GUTMANN
      • Descendance d’Abraham Israël Drucker par Micheline GUTMANN
      • Robert Oppenheimer (1904 - 1967) par Micheline GUTMANN
      • Lectures :
           La toile cirée de Gaëlle Bertruc par Alain SAREMBAUD
           Cachée de Sylvie Benilouz, née Zalamanski par Micheline GUTMANN
           Ils voyagèrent vers des pays perdus de Jean-Marie Rouart par Micheline GUTMANN
           Les petits secrets d’Antoinette - Alice Daltroff de Chantal Panagopoulos et Didier Lapostre par Micheline GUTMANN
           La réussite des Juifs vue par Steve L. PAESE, Publié sur Facebook
      • Questions posées sur la page Internet de GenAmi par Micheline GUTMAN
      • Informations générales

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 105 - september 2023

      • Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
      • Une visite à l'IHP, Institut Henri Poincaré
      • Des intiligences non artifficielles
      • Walter Gutmann, héros et martyr
      • Une très émouvante commémoration

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 104 - june 2023

      • Des femmes à l’honneur
          Emmy Noether
          Edith Rosenbaum
          Barbra Streisand
      • La famille Klapisch : le saumon, le CERN et le cinéma
      • Le lycée Condorcet
      • Ascendance de Pierre Raphaël Weill

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 103 - march 2023


      • Des inventeurs de génie (1)
      • Emmanuel Ullmo, mathématicien……………
      • Le sauvetage des tableaux du Louvre pendant la guerre
      • Ascendance de Philippe Alexandre
      • Lectures :
           Fils de personne de Jean-François Pasques
           Boualem Sansal ; un remarquable auteur et son œuvre
           La synagogue de Joann Sfar

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 102 - december 2022

      • L’Assemblée Générale et le déjeuner 2022
      • Des élèves résistantes du Lycée Molière
      • L’Hymne à la paix
      • Exposition - Gérard Garouste, l’Intranquille
      • Retour à la bibliothèque de GenAmi

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 101 - september 2022

    • GenAmi ne fête pas son centenaire, mais son 100e Bulletin trimestriel
    • Les 100 premiers numéros, auteurs et nombre d’articles
    • Bergheim, élu village préféré des Français en 2022
    • Généalogie ascendante des Hausser de Bergheim
    • Budapest, présence de la communauté juive
    • Hommage à Michel David-Weill (1932-2022)
    • Adélaïde Hautval, rester humain
    • Exposition :
         Adélaïde Hautval, rester humain
    • Lecture :
         Le procureur d’Auschwitz
         La rafle du Vel d’Hiv de Cabu

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 100 - june 2022

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Des destins hors du commun : Emma GOLDMAN
    • Les Juifs de Bayonne et leur contribution au développement du Guipuzcoa au XIXe siècle
    • Souvenir d’une enfance dans la guerre de 1939-1945
    • Lectures
         Femmes d’exception de Michel Klen

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 99 - march 2022

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Jean-Louis HELBRONNER nous a quittés
    • GenAmi, 15 ans de découvertes !
    • Liste d’ascendance Jean-Louis HELBRONNER
    • Louis Rodolphe Victor HELBRONNER, un héros
    • Ascendance de Stefan ZWEIG
    • Les thèmes juifs dans l’œuvre de Stefan ZWEIG
    • Marcel Proust en trois expositions
    • Lectures
         La dissimulation d’Alexandre Lourié
         Division avenue de Goldie Goldbloom
         Kosher Nostra de Hubert Picard
         Guitel Pourishkevitsh et autres héros dépités de Sholem-Aleikhem

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 98 - december 2021

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Pétain a-t-il sauvé les Juifs français ?
    • Jean-Denis BREDIN, une ascendance trop bien cachée
    • Ascendance de Claude Edmond HIRSCH
    • Le fichier des réfugiés de Haute-Loire, la famille FELDZER
    • Ma famille ORENSTEIN, ROCH, MINES et FRYDMAN, espoirs déçus au service de la France

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 97 - september 2021

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Le Chambon-sur-Lignon et la famille HIRSCH
    • Ascendance de Martin HIRSCH
    • Adolfo KAMINSKY, le génial faussaire
    • Trouble dans les ADN
    • Les HAUSER, ça continue !
    • Lectures
         Dans les yeux d’Ana de Christian Laborie
         Archéologie du judaïsme en France de Paul Salmona
         Lettre à Moïse de Rémi Huppert
         Vivre avec nos morts de Delphine Horvilleur
         Bon comme Bon, portrait de famille de Caroline Blum Bongrand

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 96 - june 2021

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Les trois Robert : Manuel, Hirsch et Hossein
    • Amedeo Modigliani, son origine, sa famille, sa descendance
    • La peinture de Modigliani
    • Le cercle des amis juifs de Modigliani
    • Éric Schwamm lègue sa fortune au Chambon-sur-Lignon
    • Lectures
         Freud à Jérusalem, la psychanalyse face au sionisme de Eran Rolnik
         Serge de Yasmina Reza
         Allez, France ! de Janine Boissard

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 95 - march 2021

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Assemblée générale, délégués de régions, Juifs de Bordeaux
    • Sur les traces du soldat Schmul
    • Les lettres retrouvées de Louise Pikovsky, son ascendance
    • Une étoile est née.
    • Descendance de DREYFUS Mechoulam Salman de Sierentz
    • La descendance de Dreyfus (Levy) Jacques Jaakov
    • Soldats de Napoléon à Sierentz
    • Vous avez dit « Judéo-Espagnols » ?
    • Lectures
         Le Mémorial Muestros Dezaparesidos
         Ces Justes qui sauvèrent des milliers de vies
         La Cité Silencieuse
         La collection disparue
    • Suivi de La descendance de Goldschmidt-Cassel Loeb Simon, dont Julius Strauss

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 94 - december 2020

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Les Dreyfus de Sierentz (Haut-Rhin)
    • Descendance de l’une des familles Dreyfus de Sierentz
    • Les Juifs de Riga
    • Les recherches généalogiques en Lettonie
    • Les découvreurs des vaccins contre la poliomyélite
    • Lectures :
         L’aveuglement, de José Saramago
         Retour à Birkenau, de Ginette Kolinka

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 93 - september 2020

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Virus, quand tu nous tiens (1918-1919
    • Lucien Lévy, pionnier de la radio
    • L’ascendance de Lucien Lévy
    • Les maisons de Strasbourg
    • De Delme au Mur des Noms : Vorms ou Worms?
    • Lectures :
         Cartes relatives à la déportation des juifs de France Jean-Luc Pinol
         Le Système périodique de Primo Levi
         Le Médecin d’Ispahan de Noah Gordon

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 92 - june 2020

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • The Schiffrin family
    • Lalo Schrifrin, the man-orchestra
    • Mikaela Shiffrin, exceptional Alpine skier
    • Thank you for your advice!
    • Walter Spitzer, an artist saved by drawing
    • When families meet again three generations later
    • Book review and research
         Retour à Lemberg, de Philippe Sands
         Le Problème Spinoza d’Irvin Yalom
         Des bouts d’existence d’Aldo Naouri
         Le Ghetto intérieur de Santiago H. Amigorena

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 91 - march 2020

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Once upon a time in Odessa…
    • Charles Joachim Ephrussi’s descendants
    • Women in the spotlight, part II
    • Should we do a genealogical DNA test ?
    • Books and Research
         Imprimé chez Beresniak

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 90 - december 2019

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Jacques Offenbach, the master of the Opera-bouffe
    • Jacques Offenbach’s descendants
    • Salomon B. Slijper, Mondrian’s main benefactor
    • Ancestry of Salomon B. Slijper
    • Napoleon was born 250 years ago
    • Major archaeological discovery in the land of Canaan
    • Book review
    • Karl Marx and family, genealogy
    • Swiss annual review of genealogy : Maajan – Die Quelle

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 89 - september 2019

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Endigen and Lengnau at the origin of Swiss Judaism
    • The deportees of the Ghost Train
    • Zacharie Astruc, writer, painter and sculptor
    • Identity papers in the Radom ghetto in 1941
    • Your suitcase contains a story – Samsonite
    • Books in French
    • Memorial of the Deportation of the Jews of France by JP Stroweis

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 88 - june 2019

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Evian 1938 : Jews nobody wants
    • Memory trip to the borders of Poland and Lithuania
    • Jozef Israels, painter of social realism in the Netherlands
    • Ancestry of Jozef Israels
    • Man Ray, a wink
    • Good bye Angela!
    • Book review

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 87 - mars 2019

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • World War I, Time of accounts
    • Anna Coleman Ladd, sculptor of broken jaws
    • Henri Michel-Lévy, impressionist painter
    • Ascendants of Henri Michel-Lévy
    • The book of the inhabitants of Kozienice, Poland, 1934-1948
    • Our friend Gerard Levy died last December
    • Questions and information on GenAmi forum
    • Book review

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 86 - December 2018

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • It's best just to laugh
    • On the trace of my ancestors in Przerosl
    • Eva Freud, a brief and tragic life
    • Jankiel Lewin and Chana Morer, refugees in France
    • GenAmi encourages the installation of Stolpersteine
    • Book:Correspondance of Alexandre Tansman
    • Document : L’ordonnance de Vanolles

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 85 - September 2018

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Jewish navigators and pirates, 16th and 17th centuries
    • Back to Sefarad, book by Pierre Assouline
    • The saga of the Dassault family
        Ascendants and descendants
    • Leon Gelberger, a Jewish doctor in Poland
    • About the Second Battle of the Marne
    • Lucien Levy-Dhurmer, artist

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 84 - June 2018

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • The second battle of the Marne
    • Bernard Flursheim, hospital Foch near Paris
    • Two artists of the Gutmann family in New York
    • Jan Zabinski, director of the Warsaw zoo and his wife, Righteous among the Nations
    • Barbara Cassin, ascendancy
    • Clarence Dillon, lies and the truth

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 83 - March 2018

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • The Jewish army Corps, the only one of the Napoleon Empire
    • List of ascendants of Marie-Sarah Carcassonne, Jean d’Ormesson’s grand-daughter
    • Two death records for the same man?
    • Jacob-Farj-Rafael Jacob, the Jewish hero of the Indian army
    • A language to bring down the Tower of Babel:
    • Lejzer Ludwig Zamenhof, who created the Esperanto

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 82 - December 2017

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • History of the ghetto of Venice, chapter II
    • Ketubot in Venice
    • The family Errera fron Venice to Brussels
    • The origins of Venice glass
    • Hippolyte Bernheim, father of psychotherapy
    • List of ascendants of Hippolyte Bernheim
    • Carl Lutz, a Righteous forgotten by History
    • The will of Wolf Leib Frankel(film)
    • Books (in French)
        Monsieur Benny – Dialogues Inachevés
        Avant que les ombres s’effacent
        Du village de Passy à la rue de Passy

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 81 - September 2017

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Simone Veil, list of her ascendants
    • History of the ghetto of Venice, I
    • Francis de Croisset and his descendants
    • Marcelle Cahn, cubist paintor
    • Inge, from Berlin to Escondido
    • Wanted Poster and the Joinovici story
    • Back from Orlando

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 80 - June 2017

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • Magnificent anniversary
    • The Staal family from Amsterdam to Nancy
    • Belgium : Finding a picture of the deportees of your family
    • The tragedy of the Speelman family
    • At the age of sixteen in 1942, from Marseille to Liverpool, then D-Day
    • The eye in the viewfinder (Jewish phtographers)
    • Review of genealogy : Suwalk-Lomza
    • The Seminar of Jewish genealogy in Orlando, our delegates
    • Book review and exhibition
    • A visit at the new AIU library
    • General Information

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 79 - March 2017

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     genami-Généalogie juive

    • My two Samuel families
    • Women in the spotlight
    • David Singer and his descendants
    • New documents on GenAmi website
    • Acquisitions
    • Genealogical reviews
    • Books readings (Look at French version)
    • Some topics discussed on GenAmi forum
    • Cultural news worldwide
    • General Information

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 78 - December 2016

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    • Stopover in Bratislava, an old and important Jewish community
    • Some Jewish families of Bratislava
    • Investigators above any suspicion
    • The family of Victor Alexandre of Forbach
    • Book readings
    •   Saint-Martin Vésubie (Office du Tourisme)
        Au Palais du Ciel de Rémi Huppert
        Le Gardien de nos frères d’Ariane Bois
    • The Annual meeting 2017

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 77 - September 2016

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    • Benoît Mandelbrot, from passwords to fractals
    • History of the Jews of Gniewoszow (II and III)
    • Some documents for Jewish genealogy in Nice
    • Five brothers as cavalry trumpets in the Army of Napoleon
    • Book readings
    • Acquisitions

     genami-généalogie juive GenAmi n° 76 - June 2016

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    • Sarah Bernhardt, a few genalogical precisions
    • History of the Jews of Gniewoszow (I)
    • The Horaschdowitz - Razsovich family
    • The Wormser family of Schwenheim
    • The Jewish soldiers of Napoleon
    • Book readings
        Jacob, Jacob
        Mémoires juives de Corse
        La fin de l’homme rouge
    • Genealogical review - Landsmen (Suwalki-Lomza)

GenAmi n° 75 - March 2016

Annual general meeting of GenAmi

- From London to Frankfurt am Main,
   the saga of the family Moses –Merton
- Genealogy of the Moses-Merton family
   By Pascal Ramadier

- Do the Alsatian Wormsers form a single family?
  By Guy Worms

GenAmi n° 74 - December 2015

The Annual meeting 2016
Call for candidates
Information on January 19th 2016
  On the footsteps of our Jewish ancestors in Eastern Europe
Story of the Jews of Pinsk, Belarus
The story of furs, in France, in Russia
Descendants of Mosche Vissotsky
A story of furs in Canada
  « Le Pays des Fourrures » de Jules Verne
Les Fourrures Brunswick
The Kadoorie Mekor Haïm Synagogue of Porto
Captain Barros Basto, the « Portuguese Dreyfus »
The Two Lives of General Shachnow
   « 2084- La fin du Monde »
   «Histoire sociale des Juifs de Soultz-sous-Forêts »

GenAmi n° 73 - September 2015

One-day Seminar : Jewish genealogy in Eastern Eorope
Planning a journey in Basque country
Ancestry and siblings of the doctor Michel Levy, a genealogical study

Cohen in Amsterdam, Vanderheym in Paris.
The Drach-Vanderheym family, ascendancy

The Fraenkel of Kamenetz Podolski
  in Paris, Bruxelles, London, Philadelphie

Superman is Jewish

Posters of Supermen movies

GenAmi n° 72 - June 2015

Genealogy is a must...
The Philippine Odyssey of the Levys from Alsace
  who did not want to become German in 1870
Souvenirs of Raymond Lazard
The descendants of Natan Levy of Marckolsheim
The family of Lise Bloch, Leon Blum’s first wife
  Lise Bloch ascendancy
Jews in the Spanish civil war of 1936-1939
The Armenian Genocide
List of topics on GenAmi Forum
  from July 4th 2014 to May 5th 2015
Three « poilus » and a bottle of Ricqlès
New files on GenAmi Forum
Oil pantings from Francine Mayran related to the Armenian drama

GenAmi n° 71 - March 2015

Annual general meeting 2015
The Jewish community of Westhoffen
Genealogy of Karl Marx family
A study of Leon Blum’s family
Jewish entrepreneurs, industry of tobacco Dresden
My research in Eastern Europe
Acquisition: Der alte jüdishe Friedhof in Fürth
Topics on the forum of GenAmi
Some thoughts about the tragic events...
Photos of Westhoffen Jewish cemetery

GenAmi n° 70 - December 2014

Annual General Meeting – March 15th, 2015
Innovate or copy?
Three HIRSCH brothers in Lyon:
  Abraham the architect
  Auguste Alexandre the painter
  Joseph the engineer
The Jews of the Mountains of Caucasus
Exodus, Myths and Reality
Chief Rabbi Ernest Ginsburger
Book reading – Acquisitions
  Paris 1900, la ville spectacle
  Histoire des Juifs de la Rochelle
  La Rochelle, l’Aunis et la Saintonge
    face à l’esclavage
  Alsatian Jewish emigration to Louisiana
Letters to the Editor
History of the Statue of Liberty

GenAmi n° 69 - September 2014

Genealogy Forum ; Géné@2014
The saga of the Ricqles Mint, the end
Cecile Kahn- Brunschwicg
    fighting for the cause of women
    List of ascendants
Let the show begin!
    (American Jewish actors)
The tragedy of Guerry, July-August 1944
A few genealogical reviews
    La synagogue de la rue Buffault
    Une ville dans la guerre : Lyon
    From There to Here...
Some web addresses
Movie Posters with Jewish actors

GenAmi n° 68 - June 2014

Our journey in Provence
Lafayette and the American war of Independance
The United States in World War I
The families van Noorden, Myers and Dukas :
     when music is combined with the trade in ivory and tortoiseshell
Genealogical research and chance, the example of Hellering
The case Mathias Ulmann: a native of Alsace stateless in 1914
Alderney, place of deportation
Books review
Reviews of genealogy
The topics on GenAmi forum
Photos : Monuments, places and streets of Paris,
     related to Franco-American friendship

GenAmi n° 67 - March 2014

Special Issue   The Jews of France in World War I
The Jews of France and World War I
The sequence of the events
    by Gerard Xavier
Sem Paul Emile Cremieux, a volunteer
    by Stephane Lallich
The Jewish immigrants’sons in WWI
    by Micheline Gutmann
Jules Baruch Amram of Constantine, Algeria
    by Yves Amram
A fratricide war
     by Gerard Xavier and Micheline Gutmann
Participation of Jewish Women
     by Micheline Gutmann
Aviators in WWI
    by Micheline Gutmann
Books, bibliography in pictures

Cover: Caroline Guillot

GenAmi n° 66 - December 2013

Annual meeting 2014
Call for candidates
The Saga of the Ricqles mint
Simplified descendency of Heyman de Ricqles
The Temple Beth and the Jewish community of Knoxville, Tennessee
Olive tree and olive oil in the Jewish communities life in Provence
Reviews of genealogy
Communications and mails
  French passports at the begining of 19th century
  An answer from Jean-Jacques Fraenkel
  At Nice, relationship between communities
  At Besançon, the photo discovered
  A curious marriage at Peyrehorade in 1745...
  Fürth, Hohenems, good links
Books review : “Les secrets du IIIe Reich”
Advertising images for RICQLES

GenAmi n° 65 - September 2013

French Meeting of genealogy on Nov. 10th 2013 - Paris
Plans of GenAmi for the year 2014
The family Myers, merchant
   in tortoiseshell and ivory,
   in Paris and London
The raid of notables in Paris on Dec. 12, 1941
   and the first convoy to Auschwitz
   Letters of Pierre Masse
Some other victims
The Sefer Torah of Bologna
A medal of the Righteous in Besançon
Review of books
Photos of London Jewish cemeteries

GenAmi n° 64 - June 2013

The new website of GenAmi
The ancestry of Anne Sinclair
The Vitta family, from Casale Monferrato,
   collectors and patrons in Lyon and Paris
The Jewish participation
  in the introduction of chocolate in France
Mails and complements:
The topics discussed on GenAmi forum

Genealogical Reviews
Photos of our cemeteries: Saint-Esprit-lès-Bayonne

GenAmi n° 63 - March 2013

The program of March 21st
Van Cleef and Arpels, French high jewelry
Helmuth Nathan, surgeon and humanitarian artist
From Suwalki to Paris, the Gribinski family

Acquisitions :
  review of the SHAAR (Nieder Rhine)
  The painter Lucien Weil from Biesheim
  and descendents of Aron Moshe Jacob Weil

Books review
  Un héros oublié : Witold Pilecki
  L’Apôtre allemand de Lucifer
  Notre Dame du Nil
  Le Carnet Noir
  The New building of the National Archives at Pierrefitte

Some jewels from Van Cleef & Arpels

GenAmi n° 62 - December 2012

On March 21st 2013:
  Annual meeting, call for candidates
  Choco-Story Museum, lunch, conference

A visit at Stuttgart
  The Jews of Stuttgart
  Joseph Suss Oppenheimer
  Fred Uhlmann
  Names in our Belgian file

Max Koppel & Sons in Nördlingen
Stop in Cordoba, a prosperous Jewish community in the Middle-Age

Letters to the Editor:
  My Hellendal family

Books review:
  Mariage homosexuel,… (Gilles Bernheim)
  Les souvenirs (D.Foenkinos)
  La vie rêvée d’Ernesto G. (J-L.Guenasia)
  Le bruit des clefs (A. Goscinny)
  Regards en arrière (A. Tansman)
   The Forgotten Jews of Avoyelles Parish (C.Mills-Nichol)

Acquisition : Les Vexler (Terroirs)
Genealogical reviews
Questions on GenAmi forum
General information
The Jewish cemetery of Stuttgart

GenAmi n° 61 - September 2012

The 150th anniversary of the Italian Unification
  The Jews in the Risorgimento
Andre Citroen, a French industrial
  Citroen siblings
  Kleinman siblings
  Louis Andre Citroen ancestry
  Georges Haardt ancestry
Books, documents, cultural events
Ethics in an association of genealogy
Reviews of genealogy
  « La saga des Sefarades portugais », book

GenAmi n° 60 - June 2012

News at GenAmi’s
Auguste Dreyfus, Eldorado of the Peruvian guano
From Besancon to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, Paris and Lyon
The descendants of Salomon MARIX
The Montefiore censuses
Books reviews:
  « Et te voici permise à tout homme »
  « Code 1879 »
Reviews of genealogy
A bit of genealogy around Hector Guimard
  Adeline Oppenheim
  Henry Levy, artist paintor
  Joseph Landau
  Juda Leib halevy Herzog
Questions asked on GenAmi forum

GenAmi n° 59 - March 2012

GenAmi, 15 years of discoveries!
House Auguste Brisac,
  French haute-couture in St-Petersburg
Art and Genealogy
When I discovered my Jewish origins
Findings in Versailles civil records
On-line archives of the Parisian hospitals
Questions asked on GenAmi forum
An obituary
Genealogical reviews
Jewish cemeteries in Nice

GenAmi n° 58 - December 2011

On March 11th 2012

    GenAmi 15th anniversary
    Annual Meeting
Alsatian ascendants of DSK
The Auscher family of Lauterbourg,
The Cerf family at Bouxwiller and New Orleans
Henry Cerf banker at Wissembourg
From the opera-glasses of Alice... to her genealogy
My family exists, I met them!
News from Mackenheim

Abstracts :
 « Élie Fabius et le monde de l’art »
 « Allée 7 rangée 8 », un premier roman

Descendants of Joseph Lion Fabius
Reviews of genealogy
Questions on GenAmi forum
Place des Vosges in Paris

GenAmi n° 57 - September 2011

The 32th International Conference of Jewish Genealogy of Paris in 2012
Felix Hauser or Pfeiffel’s houses in Durmenach
The Jewish cemetery of Durmenach, project
Your cousin Jean-Pierre Aumont
Short stop at Rhodes, the memory of a Jewish community
L’Association culturelle des Juifs du Pape
My ancestral connections with France
After our meeting at Mulhouse

  • Les communautés juives de la France septentrionale au XIXe siècle
  • L’Outre-Forêt, revue
  • Guide juif de France
  • Jewish families of Freyming
The military decoration of the Resistance
Photos of our cemeteries: La Bastide Clairance

GenAmi n° 56 - June 2011

You and GenAmi
Jules Worms, French paintor
The Alcan family, a dynasty of publishers
Leon Meiss, a native of Lorraine who marked the French Jewish history
Alexandre Hauser, the mystery is solved
European Jews settle in America
Lazard Brothers (Book of Guy Alban de Rougemont)
Questions asked on GenAmi forum
Information given on GenAmi web site
A book about History of Luxemburg (Laurent Moyse)
Photos of our cemeteries: Luxembourg

GenAmi n° 55 - March 2011

Our ancestors and their jobs
Alexandre Tansman or the Music beyond the frontiers
Of what did our ancestors die?
Our Alsatians shipwrecked of the Luna
News from the families David-Lyons-Mayer
Acquisitions - Book review
 Le Mur de l’Atlantique
More than ever, you can contribute to GenAmi
Moving souvenirs
Reviews of Genealogy
Communications and mails
Photos of our cemeteries: Passy cemetery, Paris

GenAmi n° 54 - December 2010

Annual meeting and lectures
Call for candidates
Fixation of names of 1808 and study of the Jewish families of Dambach-la-Ville
The Atlantis of the steppes
Judaism for a non Jew
Letters: about the Wissotsky family
Announce: Jewish Polish archives
Georges Charpak is dead
Reviews of genealogy
Photos from our cemeteries

GenAmi n° 53 - September 2010

The year of Russia in France
The family Wissotzky, Tea, Art and Science
The mysteries of Hegenheim and Hagenthal tombstones


  • « La Maison Sublime de Rouen »
  • Charles Gesmar, poster designer of Mistinguett

GenAmi n° 52 - June 2010

National Forum of genealogy on September 25 and 26
The Jews' First Return to France
What occurred in 1510: The birth of Gracia Nasi, "The Senora"
The history of Pastel in Lauragais
Los Bernuy from the Juderia of Avila to Tolosa ...and Pierre de Fermat
Our relatives in Great Britain
Jean Ferrat, a little genealogy and history
The origins of the ancient Hebrews, a major discovery of Joseph Davidovits

  • La communauté israélite de Puttelange-aux-Lacs et environs
  • La communauté israélite de Porrentruy aux 19e et 20e siècles Vilna, Wilno, Vilnius
  • Une histoire des Juifs de Pologne
  • Archives juives n°42/1
The results for the GenAmi Competition - and awards
Genealogy Press Review
Jan Karski

GenAmi n° 51 - March 2010

Program for March 9th 2010
Durmenach: the action continues
René Jacques Levy, wrecked of the Titanic
The ascendants of René Jacques Levy
Cécile Charlotte and Paule Furtado Heine, two great philanthropists
On the fringe of the Dreyfus affair, in 1903, an engineer fight a duel
Ascendants of Isaac-Georges Levy
Joseph Ganz, the unknown creator of the Beetle
Symposium: Archeology and Judaism in France and in Europe
Synagoguescribes, a new English web site

  • The Guggenheimer/Wormser family
  • The Gumprichs of Münster/Westphalia
  • Many documents sent by Dr H.- C. Mars
Reviews of Genealogy
Some books
New web site

GenAmi n° 50 - December 2009

Lecture, annual meeting, Call for candidates
Bond to the soil and ties of blood: the foundation of the Jewish tradition
Simon Hayem and his descendents
The descendants of Abraham de Cologna
For your research in UK, Cemetery Scribes
Civil records in Tunisia during the French Protectorate

  • Une Mémoire de papier, images de la vie juive en Belgique
  • Atlas des Parisiens de la Révolution à nos jours
  • Des berges du Rhin aux rives du Mississipi
  • Mes anciens et la mer
  • Les Juifs du Maroc, bibliographie générale
  • The Unbroken Chain
  • Durmenach se souvient...
  • Booklets about Basel
Reviews of genealogy
Once upon a time at Durmenach

GenAmi n° 49 - September 2009

The outstanding donation of Dr H.C. Mars
Léon Franchetti, defender of Paris in 1870
The Kahn family from Phalsbourg to San francisco; the Bine brothers
How did they cross over the Atlantic Ocean?
This happened in...
• 1609: Death in Prag of rabbi Loew
• 1809: Birth of Felix Mendelssohn
• 1809: Census of Paris consistory
Genealogical reviews
Families' news
The Jewish cemeteries in Upper Rhine

GenAmi n° 48 - June 2009

GenAmi at the National Seminar of genealogy
Commemorations in Durmenach
Tour in Upper-Rhine
Jewish marriages at Strasbourg (1848-1858)
The Bonneff brothers, the workers class
The ascendants of Leon and Maurice Bonneff
The Dalpugets, a Jewish family in Paris during the 18th century
Israël Dalpuget’s descendants
Tristan Bernard, a few ascendants more
Acquisitions :

  • Osiris, a Jewish sponsor
  • Hazanim of Alsace in the 19th and 20th centuries
Reviews of genealogy
Towards new relationship between Jews and Poles?
The Museum of Jewish History in Poland

GenAmi no 47 - March 2009

The Calmer family, glory and oblivion
Jules Adler (1865-1952), a painter from Franche-Comté
Ascendants of Jules Adler
Pont-Audemer in Normandie: a Jewish community in the Middle Ages
The Jews of Valréas (near Carpentras)
Refusal of an identity? Livournese and Tunisians
Tunis, rue d'Angleterre
The Borgel, the Jewish cemetery of Tunis and the AICJT
Research for a grand mother Szwajeer
Reading: Melnitz, roman by Charles Lewinsky

  • Lebendiges und Untergegangenes jüdiches Brauchtum
  • Jews in Paris (1808-1840)
  • Actes de la 3e conférence de Salonique sur le judéo-espagnol
  • Les guerres de mémoire dans le monde
Genealogical reviews
The El Ghriba synagogue in Djerba

GenAmi no 46 - December 2008

A one-day Conference on March 12th 2009
The annual meeting - Call for candidates
The national Seminar of Genealogy 22-24 May 2009
History of the Jews in Argentina - The French College
Rene Goscinny, the genial scriptwriter, Biography and genealogy
The Jewish community of Gray
From Alsace to San Francisco in 1853
And the children, do we think to them?
Communications & mail

  • The wife of Moses Oppenheim of London
  • News about the Van Oven family
  • New on Internet
  • La Montagne-Refuge, les Juifs au pays du Mont-Blanc
  • La communauté juive de Bordeaux
The reviews of genealogy
GenAmi went to Lyon, exhibition and lecture at the Hillel Centre, visits and Opera
The Jewish cemetery of Koenigshoffen, Strasbourg; list of names and photos

GenAmi no 45 - September 2008

A meeting in Lyon
Families Worms and Goudchaux, more than two hundred years of relations
Research in Lorraine
Don Isaac Abravanel
Gilles Bernheim, a new Chief Rabbi for France
Paternal ascendants of Gilles Bernheim
Relations between rabbis of Prague in Metz
Descendants of Simeon Wedeles Spira
Blum or Picard, who was the father?
Genealogical reviews
Photos of the Bagneux cemetery
Communication and mails: "Stolpersteine", cobblestones for memory

GenAmi no 44 - June 2008

Do you know our forum?
Sulzburg in Baden
The list of adoptions of names in Sulzburg
A Rabbi Kahn of Ribeauvillé in Vichtinetz
Families Weijl in the Netherlands, descendants of Chief rabbi Samuel Sanvil Weyl

  • Samuel Sanvil Weyl’s children
  • Michael May’s children
Genetics, genealogy and adultery
News for genealogical research in U.K.
Reopening of the Pavillon Osiris of Rueil-Malmaison
Communications and mails
  • Acht Jahrhunderte Juden in Basel
  • Jews if France in 1898
Genealogical reviews
It happened in... short trip in time and space

GenAmi no 43 - March 2008

Daniel Iffla-Osiris, an exceptional patron
Catulle Mendes, a forgotten author
No school for Uffholtz !
New laws about the French nationality
The collection of historical archives of the Jewish community of Nancy
Genetics and genealogy: a complicated case of congenital deafness
The double mystery of Besancon is solved (Families Levy and Blatt)
Communications and mails

  • Die Jüdenburger-Bücher des Stadt Berlin
  • Marriages in 1797-1798 in Upper-Rhine
  • The Bertold Rosenthal collection on CR-Rom (Mannheim, Baden, Palatinate)
Genealogical reviews
The South-West of France on GenAmi web site

GenAmi no 42 - December 2007

The trip in Alsace
Cerf Jacob Goudchaux, member of the Grand Sanhedrin of Napoleon, the story and the ascendants
Descendants of Francisco Mendes de Franca
The Gradis Family
The Halevy Family
The Role of the Jewish Genealogist in Medical and Genetic Family History
Communications and mails
Genealogical reviews
General information
Genealogy in Provence, the research and digitizing of Jean Carcassonne

GenAmi no 41 - September 2007

Always innovation!
Memories of Achille Baumann - 2nd part
The Ancestors of Achille Baumann
The Descendants of Achille Baumann
Good fortunes and misfortunes of the patronymics chosen in 1808 by the Jews of France,
family Lazard-Bénédic of Vantoux (Moselle) as an example
Pauline Moyse or Pauline Lyon, a patronymic adventure
The synagogue and the Jewish community of Burma
It happened... On January 11th 1907: birth of the Prime Minister Pierre Mendès-France
Pierre Mendès-France, the code of ethics in politics
When the Inquisition created Marranos
Ancestors of Pierre Isaac Isidore Mendès-France
Genealogical Reviews
GenAmi in Alsace
General Information

GenAmi no 40 - June 2007

A meeting in Alsace in Oct. 2007
The Great International Family Tree
GenAmi e-store
Memories of Achille Baumann - 1st part
The Jewish community of Etain
The two Sinzheim families
Descendants of David Abterode
Descendants of Chaim Ha-Levi Sinzheim
Survivors of the camp of Vittel
It happened... In 1606: Birth of Rembrandt, exhibition at the MAHJ
- Jews of the Vosges 1900-1944
- Forbidden lives
Genelogical reviews: When economy rhymes with ecology
Report of the annual meeting which took place on March 11th, 2007

GenAmi no 39 - March 2007

GenAmi celebrates its 10th anniversary with Rachel Felix
Rachel Felix, the mystery of the ascendants, the prestigious and surprising relationships
Descendants of Jacob and Ester Felix
A meeting of GenAmi members in Alsace next Autumn
Families Verte, Werth... of Alsace and Lorraine
Descendants of Jacob Juda Werth
The series number V of the departmental archives of Upper Rhine (Jewish Religion)
The Zarembovitch family: a 9th tribe found
Story of names: Vonoven (Von Oven or Ofen)
On the Web
Acquisitions - Communications & mails
Reviews of Genealogy - General Information

GenAmi no 38 - December 2006

The Grand Sanhedrin of Napoléon - Members of the Grand Sanhedrin
Isaac Strauss - Alsatian musician and collector
Descendants of Judas Israël Strauss
Descendants of Raphaël Samuel of Ettendorf
The Hamburger family of Bergheim, origin in Altona
The National Conference of Genealogy in Tours
And... Yvette Zeliqzon
The Chief rabbi René Paul Hirschler
1906: birth of Hannah Arendt
        - An Ancient Lineage, Edward Gelles
        - To Remember Me, by Ernst Oppenheim
        - Nancy & Toul: Circumcison lists
GenAmi introduces four new delegates
New files on GenAmi website
La presse généalogique
Informations générales

GenAmi no 37 - September 2006

Meeting: Genealogy in Lorraine, 14 September
GenAmi has original records which contribute to necessary verifications
"Lacloche Frères" and Family (Jewellers)
Jews in Hainsfarth
"Israël" Families in Moselle
It happened... (First part)
        In 1506 : Cristobal Colomb's death
        In 1806 : The Assembly of Notables
        In 1906 : Capitaine Dreyfus' rehabilitation
        In 1906 : Emmanuel Levinas' birth
Communications & mails
Pithiviers-Auschwitz, 17 June 1942, 6h15
Yad Vashem: « Afin que sache la jeune génération »
Five years of my life (Alfred Dreyfus)
Soon on GenAmi website, some new files from Jean Bloch: Epfig, Itterswiller, Lauterbourg, Niedernai, Ottrott, Riedseltz, Stotzheim, Valff
Genealogical Press

GenAmi No 36 - June 2006

Yiddishland Day
Children and Genealogy
Masters of language: the Darmesteter Brothers and their rabbinical Brandeis ancestry
Canopy and Genealogy
History of the Jewish Community of Dubrovnik
The Physicians of Niedernai
Alexandre (from Durmenach) "bourgeois" of Oltingue in 1715
A book: "La Bible avait raison" (Bible was right) reveals the origin of the Hebrews
Some questions asked to GenAmi
GenAmi Website - Acquisitions
Reviews of Genealogy
General Information

GenAmi No 35 - March 2006

GenAmi on our web site
GenAmi Review on CD-ROM
A fascinating research in London: JOSEPH and COHEN families
Genetic and genealogy
Let us save the cemetery of Trimbach
The last Minister of the Jews of Einville: Leib Wolfowitch SANDALOWSKI
The Chief Rabbi Jacob KAPLAN: biography and genealogy
Communications and mails
Genealogical Reviews

GenAmi No 34 - December 2005

Annual meeting
Meeting research in Eastern Europe
Lecture of M. Gutmann
The massacre of Sainte-Orse
Extracts of the "Journal historique d’Alsace"
A Polish teacher and cantor in Lorraine
(Family Simenski-Judkowitz)
Burials of Jews in Lyon before 1793
Versailles: a census in 1840
Jewish families in Gent:
May, Souweine, Marchand, De Jong, Rinskopf
Communications and mails
Genealogical rewiews

GenAmi No 33 - September 2005

Mazel Tov! Our new website
Abraham Lazard from Bohemia to Lorraine, his descendants in the United States
Ashkenazim & Sephardim
Introduction to a personal genealogy
Descendants of Eliezer Wallach, the Saint
The origin of General Katz, from legend to reality
Extracts from the Journal historique d'Alsace
A Story of Cantors in Alsace: descendants of Samuel Hirschel Weill-Stern
The Jewish boarders of the New Catholics' home in Paris
Huguenot and Jewish refugees in Metz in a register of bourgeoisie
The Rachi Year and Troyes
Genealogical reviews - Communications & mails - Acquisitions - Questions - General Information

GenAmi No 32 - June 2005

The Thirty Years War
Origin : French ? Polish ? No European !
The Marcus family history
Parisian camps of Austerlitz, Levitan and Bassano (1943-1944)
Civil records in Bas-Rhin 1784-1792
Story about the name Feivish

GenAmi No 31 - March 2005

...Repeat them to your children
Joseph Godchaux « the saviour of Thionville »
The family Bonn of Metz and Nancy
Descendants of Samson Bonn
Descendants of Joseph Godchaux and history of his family"
A martyr in Alsace: Hirtz Levy of Wettolsheim
Généalogy de Hirtz Lévy
Origin of names : Ziegel, Mendesolle, Bagno, Bregman, Marchand
Les Bäinimms
Genealogy and the new law in France

GenAmi No 30 - December 2004

New publication about METZ
List of circoncisions in Livorno and Salonica (1844-1847)
Descendants of Bendit Schulof : the BENDA family of Fuerth, Brussels, Paris
Descendants of Ezechiel PFEIFFER of Weiskersheim in Stuttgart, Bruxelles and
More discoveries in Fuerth ... and elsewhere: KOENIGSWARTER,
Hayem Joseph FURTH, family VILLARD of Strasbourg,
Rabbin Aberle de WORMS and the WORMS family of Metz are descendants of the
The JAFFE-SCHLESINGER families in Alsace, descendants of the LEVUSH
Arye Leib TEOMIM of Metz and Breisach, his ascendants.
This happened in 1804, 1904
The succession of Moyse PICARD of Foussemagne
Descendants of Moyse-Juda BUMSEL of Oberhagenthal

GenAmi No 29 - September 2004

Swifter, Higher, Stronger !
The Levy families of Marmoutier before 1808
A roundup not well-known : on August 20th, 1941, a district of Paris under siege
Jewish clowns - Descendants of Falk Susman
Origin of the name Basch
A splendid genealogical study: « Le sang des Rothschild » (The Rothschild blood)

GenAmi No 28 - June 2004

Brainstorming session at GenAmi : new projects ?
The Nação Portugueza in Livourne and Tunis
The Passports
A great actor and a famous composer
Hattstatt today
BenZion Wagner, Yiddish author
Translitteration of a name write in Cyrillic

GenAmi No 27 - March 2004

New documents on GenAmi web site.
The come back of the Jews of Bayonne to Spain
The Philippson family
Jewish cemeteries of the departement of Vosges with complementary information : Bruyères, St-Dié & Epinal
What is the origin of the Oulmont family?
With or without G, evolution of a name (Etling) through three centuries

GenAmi No 26 - December 2003

Genealogical assistance at A.I.U.
Jews in Charente-Maritime
Sephardims and Europe
Genealogy in Comtat-Venaissin
Origin of names
Jewish first names of animals
Movie and genealogy
The “respectful records”

GenAmi No 25 - September 2003

The name of streets and the numbering of houses
The Cerf family of Mittelbronn and the abolition of “pro more judaico”.
The descendants of Jacob Moyse Cerf
The Jewish upper class and the Bottin mondain
Belgium : Jewish cemeteries
Ascendants of the Belgian general Louis Isaac Henri Bernheim
The tree of the family El Haik of Tunis
Descendants of Yosef El Haik

GenAmi No 24 - June 2003

The third booklet of ancestries of GenAmi members
List of circoncisions of Jacob Ulmo of Pfersee
Jacob Ulmo-Ulmann, genealogy and a remark concerning the Ulmo-Ginzburg families
Descendants in Alsace of Avraham Levy of Ettenheim
Descendants of Aron Hauser of Rust
Zauber in Brody and Iasi, Souvé in Paris
Genealogical research in Belgium, 1st part
The Jewish community of La Ferté-sous-Jarre
Do we have Mormon ancestors?

GenAmi No 23 - March 2003

Our families at the Universal Exposition of Paris in 1855
Near my tree, psychogenealogy
Our treasurer explain
Evolution of laws concerning the French naturalization
Lionel Lévy’s paternel ancestors

GenAmi No 22 - December 2002

Exhibition of genealogy
Your personal page on GenAmi web site
Rabbi Eliyahou ben Schlomoh Zalman, the Vilno Gaon
List of ascendants of Charles-Salomon Riveline
Genealogical research in Cernay between 1550 and 1730
Genealogical complements, families Meyer and Wormser
Partial list of descendants of Mordechai Marx Wormser from Breisach.
New publications of GenAmi
Spanish and Jewish prisonners of the camp Savigny (Savoy) 1940-1942
The motivations of genealogical research

GenAmi No 21 - September 2002

The story of Jews in Italy
The Popes and the Jews
Genealogical research in Italy
The Italians members of the Grand Sanhedrin
In Singapore : a very nice pledge
New publications of GenAmi

GenAmi No 20 - June 2002

A story of the Jews of Belfort, part 2
List of circoncisions of the mohel Lazare Hess, of Hatstatt, Upper-Rhine (Part 3)
The de Solas families
Genealogical research in Paris updated

GenAmi No 19 - March 2002

A story of the Jews of Belfort, part 1
Some Jewish families in Belfort
List of circumcisions of the mohel Lazare Hess, of Hasttatt, Upper-Rhine (Part 2)
The naturalizations at the CARAN, good news
Story of Emile Weil from New Orleans
A genealogical journey from London to Amsterdam, Hambourg, Metz, Sierentz and Prague...
Chart of descendants of Mordecai Cohen
A story of the Van Halle family

GenAmi No 18 - December 2001

The members of the Grand Sanhedrin of Napoleon : rabbi Samuel Marx Levi, Karl Marx.’s uncle.
Sephardic genealogy : first inventory of ressources
The Sephardim ot the Brussels file
List of circumcisions of Hasttatt’s mohel Lazare Hess, Upper-Rhine (Part 1)
A city for archives
In the 18th century, in Le Havre, the Homberg and Oppenheimer families

GenAmi No 17 - September 2001

Translations on GenAmi forum
Beautiful search in Comtat Venaissin: the genea-logical study of a branch of the Saint-Paul family
My ancestors at Ettenheim-en-Brisgau
History of the Jews of Nüremberg and Fürth
Priests and cantors
The laws concerning foreigners in France, the decree of 1888
The Weil ascendants of the French Gugenheim dynasty of rabbis
New finds of Guillaume Leveque
The conference on Jewish genealogy in London
From our readers : complements on Jamaica and about Lazare Libermann

GenAmi No 16 - June 2001

The Joseph family - Canadian Jewish history
JRI-Poland reaches his first million of index records
Genealogy of the Camondo family
The members of the Grand Sanhedrin of Napoleon: Lazare Libermann
New finds of Guillaume Leveque
The Steinhart family at Furth and in Alsace
Descendants of Isaiah Ashkhenasi
The Institute of Jewish genealogy at the Jewish History Center of New York
The odyssey of the French archives and especially those of the A.I.U.

GenAmi No 15 - March 2001

Journey to Hamburg Trip to Germany (continued)
A story of the Jews of Jamaica
The Cohen family of London and Jamaica
The members of the Grand Sanhedrin of Napoléon, Mardochee Roquemartine and Abraham Annanel Milhaud-Muscat

GenAmi No 14 - December 2000

Exhibitions and seminar in genealogy : Charleroi,
London 2001 Dispoilment : interesting news
The Norsa family of bankers in Italy
Salomone Rossi, the componist
The Norsa branch known in France
The Courland research group
BohMor SIG
Genealogy and privacy
Journey and genealogy in Germany

GenAmi No 13 - September 2000

The members of the Grand Sanhedrin of Napoleon
Maharal descendants in the Saar-Moselleregion : The Alkan of Dillingen and the Godchaux of Luxemburg
An award for our website
The Sennets of the Lower Rhine
Dispoilment, an interesting procedure

GenAmi No 12 - May 2000

The International Seminar of Genealogy and Heraldry
Visit to the A.I.U. Library
Lists of ascendants - The FFG
Les Juifs de Suède
Our correspondants in Sweden - Pictures
An interview of Pierre FRÄNCKEL
The members of the Grand Sanhedrin of Napoleon
Five generations of descendants of Moshe BLOCH
Rigour in onomastics
Jewish cemeteries and the support of GenAmi
The Jewish cemetery of Saint-Dizier
News about the HECKER family of Jungholtz

GenAmi No 11 - February 2000

New publications
When Genealogy meet the Web
From Lissa to London
Passes of 1804 in Bayreuth
Research in Vienna
An history of the Jews of Vienna until 1782
Damaging in Paris cemeteries
The Elbeuf Jewish cemetery
Jewish Genealogy in England
The Nimes file
Jewishgen et JGFF
Index your datas on Geneanet
WEYL of Westhoffen and WEIL of Kippenheim
A meeting in Jerusalem
Our designer selected by Avotaynu to produce the Poster of the Jewish Genealogy Month 2000

GenAmi No 10 - November 1999

The genealogy of the Jews in Vaucluse, Provence during the 15th and 16th centuries
Our cousins from Louisiana
Research on my LEVY and ARON families
Search and history of the LEUMAS family
My French ancestors
The families studied by members and correspondants of GenAmi - The WEYL families
Jews in the 1st Republic & the Directory Army
Paris during the 18th century
The archives of the Bastille jail
The Brussels file
Census of Poitiers in 1851
The family WIENER
Alliance Israélite Universelle : Genealogy Library in Paris
Naturalization, an obstacle course

GenAmi No 9 - July 1999

Jews of Brussels related to Switzerland Holocaust victims Assets litigation
Access to the “Jewish File “
Convoi 73 to Kaunas, book and research of relatives
Jews of Alsace and Lorraine in the contracts of marriage of the 18th century
Familial Jewish researches in Poland
The Family History Library Online Catalog
The BAUM family from Poland to Belgium and other places
An experience in Poland : a trip to Grodzisk Mazowiecki
The "gubernias" of Suwalk and Lomza

GenAmi No 8 - April 1999

DREYFUSS family of Oberhagenthal ?
Research of a person
The Jews of Chambery ( Savoy) from 1400 to 1450, history and index of names
The Didot-Bottin
A second plundering ?
Genealogical study of the family HIRSCH DE GEREUTH

GenAmi No 7 - January 1999

Compilation of the list of the veteransof WW
Research in the historical archives of the French army
The Museum of Jewish Art and history
Carel Asser, Dutch member of the Grand Sanhedrin, history and genealogy
The Dreyfuss family of Niederhagenthal
Modification of the law concerning the consulting of naturalization files
Further informations about Luxembourg

GenAmi No 6 - October 1998

The Index of Jewish names of Brussels
Birth and Evolution of the Jewish communauty of Luxembourg
Some Jewish families in Luxembourg
Paris, repossession of graves

GenAmi No 5 - Summer 1998

The Rabbis in the contracts of marriage of Alsace in the 18th century
The Jewish Cemetery of l'Isle sur la Sorgue (Vaucluse)
The list of all the families who arrived to Brussels before the Independance (1831)

GenAmi No 4 - Spring 1998

A new correspondant, Argentine Are all Askhenaz
Jews descendants of RACHI ?
Jews in Bristol (in english)
The Rabbis in the contracts of marriage of Alsace in the 18th century
An Alsacian document of 1636

GenAmi No 3 - Winter 1998

Genealogical and sightseeing tour in Besançon and Alsace
Chaim FREEDMAN’s book about the VilnaGaon and His descendance