Jewish families who lived in Niederhagenthal (Upper-Rhine)
Among the members of GenAmi, there are many descendents of families who lived in that town. So, we tried to rebuild family trees which are available to them, for instance these genealogies proposed by Micheline Gutmann:
- ALEXANDRE: the branches FELIX, LEYSER (Lazare), SAMUEL, ARRODY,... lived during several centuries at Niederhagenthal, at Sarrelouis, in different towns of Upper Rhine and Nieder Rhine, and later in Moselle, Paris and everywhere in the world (several thousands of individuals). We know of several famous descendants as Rachel FELIX.
- DREYFUS: the first one was Abraham, a rabbi who arrived in 1715 from Gailingen (south of Germany). Very quickly, the descendents scattered in various places in Alsace. Among them, we could see rich families of traders, of bankers, intellectuals, doctors… We have again collected a list of several thousands of people.
- RISSER (RISER, RIS, RIES) : a dynasty of a long line of rabbis, which went to Breisach then Lengnau. The first known was Abraham who lived at Cernay. He died in 1704 (buried at Mackenheim cemetery); his children and grand children lived at Cernay, Breisach, Sulzburg, Niederhagenthal and Thann…Abraham of Hagenthal was authorized to live there in 1691. Among our members who are descendents, some are still called with that name.
- RUEFF: the first found in the contracts of marriage is Anschel (Adam), who was admitted in 1710. We know many descendents, related to the other families of Upper Rhine. Then, they went to Paris and other cities of de Switzerland and France.
- LEVY: in Niederhagenthal at least from 1691. As this name can be found everywhere, some adopted another name, often a first name. For instance, quite all the descendents of Eliakoum Goetschel LEVY adopted the name GOETSCHEL in 1808.
Eliakoum Goetschel LEVY (son of Isaac and a daughter of the Mohel BLUM) came from Wintzenheim. He married Sara Alexandre, daughter of Alexandre Felix of Niederhagenthal. So, the are part of the ALEXANDRE family tree.